Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Update Lets You Create Custom Blueprints

This week saw a new update land for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and its Battle Royale counterpart, Call of Duty: Warzone. The meaty 15GB update didn’t actually deliver too much stuff (on the surface at least), but one of the new additions to the game is going to be a lot of fun for Modern Warfare players.

Credit: Activision

Gunsmith Customs is now live, and it’ll allow you to mix and match different attachments from blueprints to create your own perfect weapon. There are a few limitations though, as blueprints must be from the same weapon, so you won’t be getting any Frankenstein-esque gear. However, it will generate unique looks and capabilities, so that’s pretty nifty!

On the official Activision blog, the company goes into more depth with the new Gunsmith Customs mode, writing: “Within Gunsmith Customs, you can swap the appearance of weapon attachments to feature elements from all of your unlocked blueprints. This allows you to mix and match blueprint weapon attachments to your heart’s content, even on another blueprint weapon. 

Credit: Activision

“The results are almost infinitely customizable blueprint hybrids: custom weapons you have complete customizable control over, which can be absolutely monstrous in and out of combat. These are the sum of multiple blueprint weapons, fused to form one insane armament!”

Credit: Activision

If you’re testing out the new mode head to the Armory to preview all the blueprints you currently have. You can purchase more at the Store, and the Battle Pass will also provide you with unlockable blueprints as you level up.

Once you’ve created your ideal weapon, you can truly make it your own by adding “camos, a different reticle, a charm, or stickers on top of your hybrid attachments.” You’ll even be able to name your creation.

Credit: Activision

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Featured Image Credit: Activision