Elden Ring is the biggest title that FromSoftware has developed yet. Players will be hard-pressed to discover everything you need to know without some guides. This is why we’ve compiled an Elden Ring FAQ to list absolutely everything one needs to know.
Elden Ring FAQ: Every Guide You’ll Need
From tips and tricks to take down the game’s most difficult bosses to how the game’s staple mechanics work. Players are already in the right place if you’re struggling with any aspect of Elden Ring.
Game Mechanics Explained | Elden Ring FAQ
In many ways, Elden Ring is somewhat similar to the Dark Souls games that came before it. However, there are plenty of new additions that might need a bit of an explanation alongside a link to our complete guide on the subject:
How To Upgrade Flasks – Elden Ring FAQ
Like in the Dark Souls games before it, Elden Ring doesn’t give the player passive healing by default. Instead, you’ll need to use an item called the Sacred Flask to stay on your feet. In the beginning, it only had limited uses. This can make facing bosses in the later game quite tricky if you don’t upgrade it quickly.
Runes And Levelling Up Explained – Elden Ring FAQ
Levelling up using runes in Elden Ring can be quite an intimidating process. You’ve got many stats to work with, and each attribute affects how your character interacts with the world. This includes combat, magic, movement and many other things. Check out our guide if you need a hand in levelling your character, including how to level up and where to pour your runes into.
Stakes Of Marika Explained – Elden Ring FAQ
Like previous SoulsBorne games, you’ll always have the option to respawn at your last visited Site of Grace when you die in Elden Ring. However, there is now an alternative option that makes attempting bosses and tricky areas less frustrating.
Multiplayer Explained: Co-Op, Invasions And PVP – Elden Ring FAQ
You can, of course, opt to play Elden Ring entirely offline. However, that would be cutting yourself off from some of the game’s best features and most organic moments. The online play is interwoven into gameplay, allowing you to connect with other players, usually without seeing or hearing them.
Ashes Of War Explained – Elden Ring FAQ
Weapons found early in the game will serve you well for a time. However, if you want to face some of the later bosses, you’ll struggle without buffing your damage output significantly. Getting ahead in the game’s early stages will save you a headache, too. Thankfully, getting your gear up to scratch is relatively straightforward once you know how to do it.
How To Unlock The Spectral Steed – Elden Ring FAQ
Torrent in Elden Ring is your trusty Spectral Steed, the beast-like horse you’ll use to get around its vast, sprawling open world. We found him to be an instrumental part of exploration in our playthrough, allowing us to explore the world quickly and efficiently. We’d even recommend it to be one of the first things you do in this game.
Equip Load Explained – Elden Ring FAQ
Simply put, Equip Load in Elden Ring is how much your character can have equipped on themselves before they start to move slower. Exceeding specific breakpoints of your character’s Equip Load threshold will affect movement speed, roll speed, and invincibility frames. So it’s a vital aspect of character creation, as heavier armours will provide more protection against damage at the cost of a higher Equip Load.
Spirit Ashes Explained – Elden Ring FAQ
For the first time in a SoulsBorne game, Elden Ring lets you summon a spectral companion to assist you in more challenging fights. They’re handled through an item called ‘Spirit Ashes’, come in multiple variants, and can be upgraded.

General Tips And Tricks | Elden Ring FAQ
Those who have played a Souls game before will feel right at home picking up Elden Ring. However, those players will take plenty of things for granted. Newcomers might not know the most basic survival tricks instilled in seasoned players. Never fear, we’ve got you covered:
Beginner’s Guide: 10 Tips To Help You Survive – Elden Ring FAQ
Elden Ring is FromSoftware’s latest SoulsBorne entry, a game genre known for its brutal difficulty and unrelenting cryptic information. If you’re about to head into the Lands Between for the first time and need some tips on surviving the early game hours, we’ve got you covered with some handy tips.
Which Class And Keepsake Should You Pick? – Elden Ring FAQ
What’s the best class and keepsake in Elden Ring? The character creation screen can be pretty extensive and thus quite daunting when choosing your class initially. There are plenty of ways to go here, but whether you’re a Soulsborne veteran or a complete newbie, you might be asking the obvious: which class should I go with?
4 Best Rune Farming Locations – Elden Ring FAQ
Where are the best rune farming spots in Elden Ring? Runes are the bread and butter of the entire game’s economy. You’ll use them to level up, purchase items, access new areas, and more. They’re a lifeline in getting stronger and better at the game. However, runes are also slow to come by if you’re usually playing. You might want a little boost.
How To Skip Stormveil Castle – Elden Ring FAQ
Low-level Elden Ring players may be having big trouble clearing out Stormveil Castle during the game’s early hours. It’s a tricky area with many enemies, including two bosses that will annihilate unsuspecting players. But did you know there’s a way to skip Stormveil Castle? At least for the time being.
How Long Does It Take To Beat Elden Ring? – Elden Ring FAQ
Soulsborne games are known for being a little ambiguous regarding game length. As a notoriously tricky title, the length of Elden Ring will almost certainly depend on your natural ability. If you’re less practised with Souls games, it will take you longer than someone with experience. We can give you a rough estimate of how long you should expect to take with FromSoftware’s latest epic. Here’s how long it will take to beat Elden Ring.
The Best Samurai Build To Play
Looking for an Elden Ring best Samurai build? If players are anything like half of the GameByte team, having the choice of Samurai as a class in Elden Ring is pretty much definitive. Running around the Lands Between with a Katana and Bow feels nice, although users will need to time strikes well and make sure they build towards making bow shots easy to pull off.

Item Locations and stats | Elden Ring FAQ
Elden Ring is littered with countless items, plenty of which will have practical use. Here are the items we think you need to know about that can help you either in quests or in combat:
Where To Find The Twinblade
The Twinblade in Elden Ring is a mighty double-edged sword found in the game’s early hours. An ideal weapon for melee users, it’s proved itself to be quite a beast for those running Strength and Dexterity melee builds and those who utilise horseback combat out in the fields of Limgrave due to its far reach.
How To Activate The Grand Lift Of Dectus
The Grand Lift of Dectus in Elden Ring is a large contraption you find in Liurnia of the Lakes. It’s an elevator that provides you entry to Altus Plateau, an area filled with lush golden fields lying before the Capital. But to activate the lift requires you to find two halves of a medallion.
Best Dex Weapons
Finding the best dex weapons in Elden Ring is handy for players who want to deal with solid damage quickly. Unlike full strength-focused greatswords and the like, the best dex weapons in Elden Ring will hit quickly with the potential to deal more damage over time thanks to a quicker hit rate. Long story short, it’s about speed over strength.
Magma Blade
The curved Magma Blade Elden Ring sword is crafted from the lava of Mt. Gelmir and deals fire damage, believe it or not. It scales primarily with Strength, Faith and Dexterity, making it another good Dex weapon found in the Lands Between.
Eclipse Shotel
The curved sword Eclipse Shotel Elden Ring scales primarily with Dexterity and Faith, although its demonic prongs and overall design would have players believe otherwise.
Rivers Of Blood
Rivers of Blood in Elden Ring is a Katana weapon that scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Arcane, matching well with our best Samurai class build. Whilst it’s capable of slashing and piercing damage, it also causes 30 blood loss build-up, an ability that causes enemies to bleed for a fixed period.
Ragged Armor
Although Ragged Armor Elden Ring was available to players after the v1.02 update, this wasn’t an intentional drop by FromSoftware and has since been removed from the game as of update 1.03 on 16th March 2022. Players have been seen with the armour through nefarious means because it exists within Elden Rings files but has now been entirely removed from the game.
The dagger Cinquedea in Elden Ring is a symbolic and celebrated weapon given to Farum Azula’s high-ranking clergymen. With the five fingers of the beast running down its blade to celebrate the intelligence once granted to their kind, this weapon is somewhat of an artefact.
Elden Ring Staff Locations
Finding every Elden Ring Staff location can be tricky in the Land’s Between, considering the sheer size of the map and its open-ended nature. We all know real Wizards use Staffs, specifically Glintstone Staffs, as far as Elden Ring is concerned.
Barricade Shield
Made famous by Sir Neidhardt, the Barricade Shield Ash of War weapon skill focuses a user’s energy into an equipped shield. This allows Barricade Shield in Elden Ring to strengthen a physical shield to deflect more brutal blows; it’s also compatible with all shield types.
Golden Scarab
The Golden Scarab in Elden Ring allows users to collect more runes dropped by defeated enemies across The Lands Between by around 20%. This means it’s really useful when farming for runes.
Larval Tears
Larval Tears Elden Ring is a crucial item in The Land in Between as they allow players to respec their characters, although getting to the area and finding Rennala is quite a challenge. Don’t sweat it; we will walk players through how to get Larval Tears Elden Ring and get to Rennala.
Elden Ring Somber Smithing Stone 5 is just one of the many types of Smithing Stones knocking around in The Lands Between. There are various uses for Smithing Stones, but the Elden Ring Somber Smithing Stone 5 is a rare and unique type of stone.
Rune Arc
For players who have been getting good in the Lands Between from day one, Runes will be a well-known hot commodity. Runes are probably the most valuable item in Elden Ring, and not just because they serve as a form of currency. Runes aren’t just for buying items; they can also be used for experience points and help players grow stronger past their level caps.
How To Get Black Knife Tiche Ashes Summon
Black Knife Tiche Spirit Ash is a spirit assassin summon that attacks enemies with a black knife powered by the Rune of Death, the same rune that caused the fall of Elden Ring and the Lands Between.

Boss, NPC and location Guides | Elden Ring FAQ
Bosses are a quintessential part of Elden Ring – it just wouldn’t be a FromSoftware game without them. As ever, they’re tough as nails. With that in mind, here are a few handy guides to help you through them:
How To Beat Tree Sentinel
The Tree Sentinel in Elden Ring is the first boss you’ll encounter after reaching the overworld of Limgrave. After clearing the prologue and being set loose on the world, you may be tempted to tackle this individual to varying degrees of success.
How To Beat Margit The Fell Omen
Margit, the Fell Omen, is one of the first big bosses you’ll come across in Elden Ring. This boss guards the entrance to Stormveil Castle and is the first real challenge the game will throw at you if you’ve been following the Sites of Grace trails up to this point. If you’re a new player struggling with this boss battle, here’s a strategy that should hopefully help you even the odds.
How To Beat Godrick The Grafted
The Godrick, the Grafted boss fight in Elden Ring, is one of the most brutal battles to experience in the early game. Many players will be struggling with this Demigod Shardbearer, who seems capable of one-shotting you quickly if you’re not overleveled. Nonetheless, the boss can be made much easier with a few simple tips.
How To Find And Beat Malenia
Elden Ring’s Malenia is arguably one of the most challenging bosses in the game. Although the rotten valkyrie has a notorious reputation, she can be taken down. Those who have already tackled Elden Ring’s Malenia will know this will not be a usual roll and jump to avoid attacks.
Elden Ring Ds Brother Location And The Quests You’ll Need
Although a great game of multiple outcomes and open-world perfection, quests such as helping out Elden Ring Ds Brother can be a chore. It’s also a quest that requires other quest-lines to be either in progress or completed. We’ve gone through the headaches for players, so they know exactly what they need to do and where to go.
Jar-Bairn Walkthrough
Jar-Bairn in Elden Ring is one of the latest NPCs to be introduced into Elden Ring’s 1.03 update, and it’s a strange interaction at that. The thing is, Jar-Bairn is, well, a jar who lives in Jarburg. Absolute classic storytelling in Elden Ring right here, folks.
Gatekeeper Gostoc Walkthrough
Thanks to his overly friendly nature, many players will be suspicious of Gatekeeper Gostoc in Elden Ring, considering everything wants to kill them in the Lands Between. Thankfully, these players have good instincts, and Gatekeeper Gostoc in Elden Ring has a few tricks up his sleeve that will leave players high and dry.
Kenneth Questline Guide
The Elden Ring Kenneth questline is now fixed as of the Elden Ring 1.03 update; click here for more. Previously, the questline wouldn’t allow players to progress after a certain point. Before getting into where to start and how to complete the Elden Ring Kenneth questline, let’s check in on some lore.
Divine Tower Of Limgrave
It’s OK to need some help during an Elden Ring playthrough. We won’t tell anyone. After all, accessing the Divine Tower of Limgrave can be a challenge. After defeating Godrick, it’s time to power up his rune at the Divine Tower of Limgrave.
Caelem Ruins Boss
The Caelid region in Elden Ring is home to the Caelem Ruins boss, a duo of Mad Pumpkin Heads. We’ve got the details on how to take them down, but how do players get there in the first place?
The Starscourge Radahn boss fight is an absolute beast, complete with his arena and the power to dispatch anything with a moment’s notice. Taking place mid-way through Elden Ring, players will face this boss after clearing Stormviel Castle with a slight sense of hope in their hearts. Whilst the Starscourge Radahn boss fight will knock that right out of a player’s ticker, we’re here to help.
Elden Beast Weakness Walkthrough
Want to find out the major Elden Beast weakness Elden Ring? Want to be the best Elden Lord, the very best Elden lord, like no one ever was? We do too, and we also love Pokemon references. No, we’re not sorry. The final boss fight in Elden Ring isn’t the most challenging compared to some death trips found in the Lands Between; it’s no cakewalk either.
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