Elden Ring Streamer Beats Game Without Taking A Single Hit

An Elden Ring streamer has managed to beat the game without taking a single hit or receiving any damage.

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On the best of days, most of us struggle to get through an Elden Ring boss the normal way. They are designed to be just a bit hard, with a range of moves and patterns you have to learn. It can take a lot of time to get right. And more often than not you’ll likely see the YOU DIED text plaster your screen. But one Elden Ring streamer has managed to see those words a single time by completing a no hit/ damage run of the game.

YouTube video

The streamer, called Seki (named after Sekiro of course), managed to beat Elden Ring without taking a single hit, or any amount of damage at all. It is important to note that the reason Seki does see the YOU DIED text is because the first death in the game is compulsory. It’s an incredibly impressive run, and essentially always tense because you’ll always be worried he’s going to get hit. 

The run is also a world first, specifically in that no one has done a no hit/ damage run. There have been a couple of no hit runs, so the category is only slightly different. But in a no hit run, you can still take damage on occasions. Like where you’re in a poison swamp and you’re taking poison damage.

Pedantics aside, it’s a ridiculously impressive run that’s well worth the watch if you want a bit of a power fantasy. Plus, you might be able to learn a thing or two.


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Featured Image Credit: FromSoftware