We are nearing the end of season 4 of Fortnite and with only 2 weeks of challenges still to go you will need to get those battle pass tiers to unlock the Omega skin. That is if you haven’t already made it there!
Shopping carts have also been enabled again in the game so you know they have made that one of the challenges. I for one love the shopping carts and love to roll towards the next zone in them with a friend in the front seat.
You will also need to get to level 80 to unlock all of the Omega accessories so keep grinding!
Here are all of the challenges you will need to complete this week:
- Deal damage with explosive weapons to opponents (0/500)
- Search chests in Moisty Mire (0/7)
- Use a shopping cart (0/1)
- Visit the center of Named Locations in a single match (0/4)
- Follow the treasure map found in Haunted Hills (0/1) HARD
- Shotgun eliminations (0/4) HARD
- Eliminate opponents in Anarchy Acres (0/3) HARD
With updates to C4 making it more ‘explosive’ this first challenge may be fairly simple. Having said that they have reduced the number of rockets you can carry which may make it a little harder.
The hardest one I think will actually be visiting the center of Named Locations in a single match. What this means simply is going to the middle point of named towns and locations and interacting with something that will be there. These locations are always busy and will be even more so this week. Also I can definitely see some players setting up traps around the centre points so watch out!
Good luck for this weeks challenges!