John Cena Might Be Starring In A Duke Nukem Film

According to an article on The Hollywood Reporter – John Cena is about to star in a Duke Nukem. He will obviously be the main protagonist Duke as he is the spitting image of the character. He looks like someone copied and pasted Duke Nukem into real like and made him wrestle.

Currently there is no director attached to the filming project and would seem that it was all just hearsay at the moment. However we do know that Michael Bay’s production company Platinum Dunes will be making the action film.

For those who aren’t very familiar with Duke Nukem (all 3 of you). It is a video game which was very popular in the early 90’s and then when Duke Nukem 3D came out it took the gaming world by storm. There was also a game released in 2011 but was not as well received as people thought it would be. We can only hope that they do a better job of the upcoming film! With John Cena attached it certainly is a good start. Having said that with no director attached it could be a while before it sees the light of day.

John Cena has appeared in a few films in the past few years including Daddy’s home and Daddy’s home 2. He also has plenty of time practising his acting during his lengthy career in the WWE… This, however will be Cenas first big starring role. I can’t wait to see what he does with it.

Do you think that this could revitalise the Duke Nukem franchise after their somewhat disastrous release ‘Duke Nukem Forever’ in 2011?

Would you be down to watch John Cena attempt to embody the meat headed ladies man that is Duke Nukem?
Personally I don’t know any other actors that fit the bill as perfectly as Cena does. I would have also said Arnold Schwarzenegger if this film was made when the Duke Nukem franchise was at its peak in the 90’s but alas the 90’s are no more.