If you’re planning to bury yourself away with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare this weekend then you might want to get yourself off social media ASAP, as plot details, maps and even walkthroughs for the game have started to crop up online.
The leaks come from a few different sources, as physical copies of the game have someone gotten out into the wild ahead of the title’s scheduled release.

Sadly, some of those people have taken to the internet to try and ruin the fun for everyone else, by spoiling pretty much every element of Modern Warfare (yes, this article is spoiler-free).
Map walkthroughs, cosmetic breakdowns, plot details and videos have all made their way online, and it’s actually pretty terrible news for anyone looking to enter the game completely fresh.

There’s even been reports that CoD’s multiplayer servers are already online, meaning there’s pretty much nothing off-limits for those who already have their copy.
Azir Cave is one of the maps that, when the beta was live, was met with some consternation by players. The environment was pretty darn dark, making it pretty hard to make kills some a distance. Over on Reddit [via Dexerto], it seems that people are now claiming that’s been brightened up (thanks for that, Infinity Ward!)

If you want to find out any more about CoD: Modern Warfare’s more intricate details then you’ll have to go looking for yourself, because those people leaking info are big meanies in my humble opinion.
The same thing has also been happening with Hideo Kojima’s upcoming Sony title, Death Stranding. Despite review copies only going to those in the industry, it appears as though plot details have leaked their way online.

If you’re brave enough to face social media right now then take extra care so as to not get spoiled!
Featured Image Credit: Activision