‘The Big O’ Is A PC, Xbox One, PS4 And Nintendo Switch All In One Box

You can peg 2019 as the year that the console wars came to an end thanks to the latest…contraption…from Origin.

The ‘Big O’ as it’s been called, houses hardware from the Nintendo Switch, an Xbox One X, a PlayStation 4 Pro and a PC, meaning it’s everything you could possibly want in one big ol’ case.

Credit: Origin

So how much will one of these bad boys set you back? Well, we don’t know, because this beast isn’t actually for sale.

Created by Origin engineers as a stunt for the company’s tenth birthday, this powerhouse won’t be available to purchase. Which is fair enough, because I’m kind of super-scared of how much this would cost.

On its website, Origin writes: “Taking inspiration from previous custom builds, the Big O required extensive chassis modifications. We removed the Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro from their cases and put together a custom liquid cooling system to cool the consoles.

YouTube video

“We also build a custom Nintendo Switch dock into the front of the case supporting the original functionality of the dock.

“After creating a couple of concept designs and running multiple tests, we determined that it was actually possible to fit all the consoles, a high-performance PC, and two different custom hard line loops in our GENESIS chassis.

Credit: Origin

“Additional hardware was added to the Big O including an Ethernet switch and USB 3.0 extension cables. As a bonus, we upgraded the consoles to feature 2TB SSDs for more storage and faster game load times.”

In case you were wondering, the PC chosen for the hybrid is an i9-9900K, complete with an Nvidia Titan RTX, 64GB RAM and a 14TB HDD.

It’s a lovely bit of tech, but with a whole new generation on consoles on the horizon, we can’t imagine it’d keep a hardcore gamer satisfied for too long…

Featured Image Credit: Origin