Xbox Will Have First Carbon Neutral Console In Fight Against Climate Change

Earlier this week Microsoft, Sony and Google joined forces with the United Nations to take part in the war against climate change.

The gaming giants are just a few titans of the industry who will be working towards more eco-friendly ways of introducing new consoles to the market, and Microsoft has now announced its first carbon neutral Xbox.

Credit: Microsoft

Microsoft has confirmed its participation in a pilot program, which will see the company make 825,000 carbon neutral Xbox consoles. Without the jargon, the consoles will have a net carbon footprint of zero. Find out more about your carbon footprint right here.

The news comes after the reveal of ‘Playing For The Planet,’ which will also Google Stadia, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Niantic and Twitch have also all pledged their support for the UN’s plans.

Credit: Microsoft

Sony recently revealed that it’s got its own ideas in the pipeline, confirming that the PlayStation 5 will use less power.

Over on the official PlayStation blog, Sony writes: “I am also very pleased to announce the next generation PlayStation console will include the possibility to suspend gameplay with much lower power consumption than PS4 (which we estimate can be achieved at around 0.5 W).

“If just one million users enable this feature, it would save equivalent to the average electricity use of 1,000 US homes.”

Credit: Sony

“The video games industry has the ability to engage, inspire and captivate the imaginations of billions of people across the world. This makes them a hugely important partner in addressing the climate emergency,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Credit: Pixabay

“We are encouraged by the commitment of these gaming companies, which shows recognition that we all must play our role in the global effort to lower carbon emissions and effect real change towards sustainability.”

Find out more about Playing for the Planet Alliance via the link right here.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft