Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 Will Release in 2019

According to reports from Gaming Intel and Charlie Intel (who have a history of being very reliable), their sources claim that the next Call of Duty after this year’s Black Ops 4 will be Modern Warfare 4 in 2019 to once again be developed by Infinity Ward. Apparently the sources state that Modern Warfare 4 will have a traditional singleplayer campaign (unlike Black Ops 4), as well as the traditional multiplayer offering and Zombies, because of course, well, Zombies.

However quite interestingly, Modern Warfare 4 is also said to have its own version of a Battle Royale. I suppose the proposal of Infinity Ward jumping on the Battle Royale bandwagon should come as no surprise, but it does surprise me a little that a direct competitor to Black Ops 4’s Blackout (Battle Royale) might release a year later, especially with Activision and Treyarch stating that Blackout is a mode that will last years. I’ve never played a Battle Royale mode, but if both Black Ops 4 and MW4 were to have one each, let’s hope at the very least they offer something different (other the Modern Warfare historic skins).

Also what else is quite interesting, is that a load of Respawn Entertainment developers who were once working for Infinity Ward on previous Call of Duty titles such as the Modern Warfare series, left to work on Titanfall, have now gone back to Activision to work on MW4, as highlighted by this Reddit user, adding further fuel to the speculative fire.

Personally, I’m always up for some more Modern Warfare, but what do you make of these rumours? Let us know across our social media channels.