Cyberpunk 2077 Reveals Streamer-Friendly Options

Cyberpunk 2077 will have streamer-friendly options that should help players avoid DMCA strikes against their channels.

V in Cyberpunk
Credit: CD Projekt Red

Copyright claims are a huge issue right now on both YouTube and Twitch. Something as simple as a few seconds of music, or even humming or whistling a known song, can result in a copyright strike being made against your channel on YouTube or Twitch.

Recently on Twitch there is another issue with streamers who might be just chilling-out not doing a lot, but are playing licensed music in the background.  

Keanu Reeves in Cyberpunk 2077
Credit: CD Projekt Red

Music companies have every right to make a claim if their music is being used without a license, likewise if music is being played via a video game. It can suck for the creators, but it’s their right.

However thousands of streamers on Twitch have been issued DMCA strikes with no information provided as to when and what the strikes are specifically being made for.  

YouTube logo
Credit: YouTube

While both YouTube and Twitch have a lot to do to make DMCA strikes fair, and to provide the relevant information for those hit with them, developer CD Projekt Red is taking big steps in ensuring that Cyberpunk 2077 is as streamer-friendly as possible.

It’s been revealed that Cyberpunk 2077 will feature options that allow you to disable licensed music that could result in copyright strikes being made against your channel.

Cyberpunk 2077 features a whole host of officially licensed music from various high profile artists. However once you disable the licensed tracks the game will replace them with over 150 custom songs which should avoid you receiving any DMCA strikes.

Screenshot of Cyberpunk 2077
Credit: CD Projekt Red

Hopefully this feature will work and you won’t get any sneaky individuals making claims against your channel.

Following the most recent delay Cyberpunk 2077 will release for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Google Stadia on December 10th.

Are you happy to hear that you can disable licensed tracks in Cyberpunk 2077?  Let us know by reacting to our Emoji’s below.

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Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red