For fans of Quantic Dream’s iconic cinematic masterpiece, Detroit: Become Human, Manchester Comic Con 2019 was the place to be.
The event was attended by not one but two of the game’s actors, the one and only Bryan Dechart and the ever-magical Amelia Rose Blaire, who also stream together on Twitch.

The duo chatted about all things video games, performance capture and – erm – love scenes with basketballs, but what I really wanted to know was, with so many possible endings for Detroit: Become Human, which endings did the stars consider to be canon?
“Oh man. For me, Connor Deviating and his relationship with Hank being strong enough that they meet up again at the end and hug. That’s my canon ending,” Bryan told me.

Beaming at the memory, Amelia was quick to agree. Wholesome AF. However, having an idea in mind for what ‘really’ happens at the ending of Detroit hasn’t stopped the pair from exploring everything the game has to offer.
Speaking of their many playthroughs of the game on Twitch, Bryan said: “We got Platinum! We did four full playthroughs, we did our blind playthrough which I call Blue Connor, Red Connor was Machine Connor making all the non-empathetic choices. Green Connor is super empathetic.”
On the prospect of ever seeing a sequel to the game, Bryan responded: “I hope so! What’s really cool about the game is that it’s inspired a lot of people to write their own ideas of what happens in the world afterwards or beforehand.
“Reading people’s fan fiction or seeing artwork that represents their version of the playthrough is a very different thing. Fan art from different countries looks – it’s the exact same story that’s happened in the game, but someone can play the game and have a very very different Connor, a very different version of the story.”
Check out the interview in full below!
Detroit: Become Human will be launching on PC later this year, and it’s available right now for PlayStation Plus members for absolutely free.
Featured Image Credit: Quantic Dream