Fallout: New Vegas is widely considered to be one of the best games in the iconic Fallout franchise, but its ending left a bit of a bitter taste in the minds of some of its players.
Sadly, Fallout: New Vegas fell victim to its own amazing-ness, with and ending that was highly disappointing. The classic RPG let you follow your own choices and rewarded you with a slideshow.

To make things even worse, after the Super Slam at Hoover Dam you can’t even continue playing.
So what happened?
Well, it turns out the game wasn’t supposed to end that way, according to one of FNV’s writers, Chris Avellone.
Speaking to Eurogamer, Avellone explained that post-game content had been planned, and it would allow players to explore the world even after the credits had run.

“Designing post-game content is not hard to do if you’re keeping it in mind with each NPC and quest as you’re designing it (like doing a Karma check, faction check, or just another global reactivity check, which we had to do anyway)—sometimes all it needs is a post-endgame line,” Avellone said.
“But if you haven’t planned for it throughout your design process for your areas and characters, it can be a lot of work to go back and add later on. And while some designers had planned for it—for example, our lead writer had lines for Mr. House in place for post-game reactivity and Strip Securitrons—not all areas had post-game design work.”

Obsidian turned down post-game content, and even said no to endgame content being added in the way of DLC.
As most games do, New Vegas launched with a few bugs and patches were needed, eating up a lot of time that could have been spent on continuing the game after the end.
“We did examine all the logistic impacts of doing post-game content with limited resources. But it was clear we’d be putting the already shaky game stability at risk … by creating [a] post-Hoover Dam option, even in a minimal fashion,” explained Avellone. “The most we could manage was level-scaling for key enemies (like the Legate) with the introduction of the new level caps in the DLCs, since the additional levels made the previous boss fights too easy for the player.

“That said, we did look at potential minor additions where we could, including a reserved save game slot before Hoover Dam (which we were able to do), and looking into adding Ulysses as a companion you could take back into the main game from the DLC. But an evaluation of that revealed that it would likely break a number of scripts (companion weapon removal, teleportation scripts), and even scripts for the other DLCs that automatically removed companions from your party.”
Avellone told the publication that he offered to pay out of his own pocket to extend the project and polish up the game, but Obsidian again said no, as it would affect the planned DLC.
Thankfully, there’s a million and one mods to make Fallout: New Vegas as relevant as ever.
Featured Image Credit: Obsidian Entertainment