Remember the PlayStation 4 exclusive, WiLD? No? Well me neither. Announced back at Gamescom 2014, the game looked seriously exciting but was simply never heard from again.
Now it looks as though Wild Sheep Studio, the developers behind WiLD, might be gearing up to make an announcement. As spotted by Reddit user SchultzBear, the Wild Sheep Studio website has been updated with some new concept art for the game. Considering just how quiet the team has been, this is almost definitely something to take note of.
Speculation has now become rife on social media, with many people wondering whether the PS4 exclusive that never happened could instead be migrating to the upcoming PlayStation 5. (Note that WiLD missed out on a whole generation of gaming here, since the PS4 was pretty new back in 2014 when the game was first announced).
Check out the game’s official reveal trailer, from back in 2015, below!
“WiLD is set in a lush, expansive world where you will learn and adapt to the ever changing world around you, whilst uncovering the secrets of the land,” says the game’s official description.
“As you would expect from mother nature, the world will continually change through different time of day, weather and seasonal changes.
“Once you get used to your surroundings, you will learn Shamanic abilities in order to take control of animals and exploit their unique abilities to assist with your survival. Discovering the relationship between man and nature is the essence of WiLD. As you can take control of any animal in the world, this opens up huge potential for emergent gameplay that will be unique to you.”
I’m not sure what’s happening with WiLD, but judging from this new concept art, we could be in for a real treat – whatever it might be!
For now, check out more of the new art over on the official Wild Sheep Website right here.
Featured Image Credit: Wild Sheep Studio