Fortnite Pro’s Conspiracy Theory Regarding Vaulted Weapons Is Serious Food For Thought

Epic Games’ Fortnite is one of the biggest names in gaming, but you can’t deny that it’s a far from perfect game.

Fortnite, which receives regular content updates, new weapons and limited edition goods, has often been criticised for its Vault decisions.

Credit: Epic Games/Marvel

Once a weapon is removed from the core game it retired to the Vault, where it can be reintroduced in the future.

In the past, Epic Games has made some curious decisions about which weapons deserve to be Vaulted, keeping much-hated guns in the game and Vaulting fan favourites.

Credit: Epic Games

Pro Fortnite player, Beehive, who represents Luminosity Gaming, has come up with a pretty serious conspiracy theory that’s got the cogs in my head turning.

“I just realized the reason the silenced pistol and the Tac haven’t been vaulted is because Fortnite collaborated with Nerf to make three guns: Scar, Tac, and silenced pistol,” Beehive tweeted [via Dexerto]. “I bet it’s in the contract to not remove them. This game is a f*cking meme.”

How innnnteresting!

Beehive isn’t the only one to make the connection. Many users responding to the tweet saying that they believe the relation is more than just a coincidence.

Of course, we don’t expect Epic Games to respond to the conspiracy theory, but it’s definitely an interesting one to keep in mind next time a weapon gets Vaulted.

Credit: Epic Games

Do you think there could be any truth to the theory, or is Beehive reaching here?

Featured Image Credit: Epic Games