God of War Director Donates Money To Telltale Staff After Lay-Offs

Telltale Games is done and dusted, and the 250 people who lost their jobs following the studio’s closure are facing difficulties following the abrupt decision.

Emily Grace Buck, who worked as a narrative developer at Telltale, has been campaigning hard for her friends and colleagues during this difficult time.

Aside from exposing some of the hardships they’ve gone through, Buck has also helped to get the hashtag #TelltaleJobs trending on Twitter, with lots of games developers stepping forward to share available positions with the Telltale staff.

Now it seems she’s gone one step further by prompting the creation of Ko-Fi pages for some of the staff members.

Posting to Twitter, Buck shared her own page, where she writes: “Former Telltale dev, suddenly out of work.

“On top of everything else, just found out that my boyfriend’s dog is in imminent need of a $10,000 surgery. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated.

“Thank you!!”

If you’re not familiar with Ko-Fi, you can accept monetary donations described as “buy a coffee.”

Buck’s page has gotten quite a bit of attention, and none other than God of War‘s Cory Barlog even took the time to donate.

Barlog has been very vocal about the closure of Telltale Games, even tweeting to them asking about their plans for the future of the staff.

Buck’s success with her Ko-Fi has inspired the creation of a number of other donation pages for former Telltale employees.

If you’re feeling generous, you can check out the full list below.