If you’ve been checking out the customisation options in Halo Infinite, you might have noticed a peculiar set of armour in the Armour Hall. If you scroll across from the base armour, you might find the samurai-inspired Yoroi legendary armour core, the first Fracture armour in Halo Infinite. Unlocking this armour might be first on your to-do, but how do you go about that? The armour core is unlocked in the Fractures: Tenrai Event. If you’re unsure what that is, allow us to explain!
halo infinite yoroi armour: What is a fracture?

Firstly, Fractures are events that began in the Master Chief Collection. They add armour to the game that doesn’t make much in-universe sense. Why would a Spartan dress like a samurai? Why wouldn’t they? Fractures are simply an excuse for some fun and unusual armours. We are getting just our first one with the Tenrai Event. The Yoroi armour core will be the first Fracture in Halo Infinite, and it will be available to unlock from the 22nd of November.
what does this entail?

We don’t yet know what this event will entail. Apparently, it will function like the battle pass, but players can earn progress to both simultaneously. Going forward, there will be more events like this one, and more interesting armours to unlock. The frequency of Fracture events is unknown right now. What we have heard is that these events will come back around for anyone who misses out the first time.

The Yoroi armour core is awesome, and thankfully it isn’t a static thing that can’t be played around with. All customisation options are available to apply here. So feel free to add any paint jobs or armour pieces you like when it becomes available on November 22nd.
For more Halo Infinite tips and information, check out our guides on weapons, equipment and new features in Halo Infinite!
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Featured Image Credit: 343 Industries