Media Molecule’s upcoming create-your-own-worlds game, Dreams, might still be in beta, but players are making jaw-droppingly cool levels, a lot of which are based on existing games.
One Dreams player by the name of Bearly Regal has delivered a seriously impressive Metal Gear Solid level, which he’s calling Metal Gear Solid HD Remake.
Check out of of the YouTube teasers of the build below.
Not only is the build insanely cool, but it’s even caught the eye of Metal Gear Solid‘s OG, Hideo Kojima.
Replying to a clip of the video on Twitter, Kojima gave the Dreams version of MGS a thumbs up, and it really can’t get any better than that level of approval.
Keen for your input on the creation, Bearly Regal says: “The HD remake of Metal Gear Solid is starting to take shape! Do you want to get involved? Let me know in the comments below or hit me up on Twitter: “
In a pinned comment on the YT video, Bearly Regal adds: “The Best Is Yet To Come:
” – Animated environment details (ripples, drips and rats)
“- Character models (Solid, Liquid and patrolling guards)
” – Working controls (sneaking and stealth animations)
“Once those core elements are in place I’ll be looking to craft the next environment; the helipad area. Should be interesting given the scale of it compared to this port/dock area.
“Hopefully it goes smoothly… Aside from that, I hope you enjoyed this brief glimpse of the project.”
Dreams doesn’t yet have a solid release date, but fans have been hard at work creating their own levels in the test version of the PlayStation exclusive. Hopefully their creations will be carried over for all of us to play once the game hits shelves!
Are you looking forward to Dreams?
Featured Image Credit: Konami