January’s Xbox Games With Gold Titles Leak Early

Another day, another early leak of a subscription services monthly games. Yesterday it was the PlayStation Plus titles, and today it’s the Xbox Live Games With Gold titles. The leak arrives from one of the usual leakers billbil-kun on the dealabs website.

In January, Games With Gold subscribers will be able to download Aground, NeuroVoider, Radiant Silvergun and Space Invaders Infinite Gene. Aground is a mining and crafting RPG. where players will build and advance in order to achieve an overarching goal. NeuroVoider is a twin-stick shooter RPG set in the future, with brains that shoot around evil robots while using nuclear rocket launchers. 

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Radiant Silvergun is a vertical scrolling shoot ‘em up which was released in 1998 on the Sega Saturn. Originally played in arcades, the shooter is a demanding bullet-hell game that challenges players. Space Invaders Infinity Gene is a slightly different take on the game’s original blueprint, but that evolves alongside you as you play.

It certainly isn’t the biggest month for Games With Gold subscribers, but there are some interesting games here at the very least. 

Elsewhere, more gamers are currently playing the PS3 than they are the Xbox Series S|X. This is likely down to the Xbox Series consoles still being so difficult to get hold of. 

Hopefully we’ll soon get to hear about the new year’s Xbox Game Pass offerings too. What do you think about this selection? Let us know on our social channels.


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[Featured Image Credit: Microsoft]