In case you missed it, the whole world has gone Keanu Reeves mad, and we’re living for it!
Reeves has had a seriously impressive year so far. Not only did his recent action-and-dog-fuelled flick John Wick 3 impress at the box office, but he’s also lent his voice acting talents to the upcoming Toy Story 4.

Things have gotten even better for Keanu after he took the stage at E3 2019 to announce that he’s one of the stars of the upcoming CD Projekt Red game, Cyberpunk 2077.
Blowing people away with his surprise appearance during Xbox’s conference, Reeves also accidentally birthed the “no, YOU’RE breathtaking,” meme and has cemented himself further in the hearts of both film fanatics and gamers across the globe.

I can’t say that I know Keanu Reeves, but he seems like a pretty nice guy. In fact, it’s emerged that he’s actually been secretly donating to children’s hospitals which is basically the nicest thing a human can possibly do.
According to a report from the Epoch Times, Reeves said in a 2009 interview: “I have a private foundation that’s been running for five or six years, and it helps aid a couple of children’s hospitals and cancer research. I don’t like to attach my name to it; I just let the foundation do what it does.”
The report also says that Reeves has donated to SCORE (Spinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitation Endowment), which is a charity that was founded after a UCLA hockey player’s spinal cord was damaged during a game.

He even worked the phones at a Stand Up to Cancer telethon in 2008.
His charity work is just a drop in the bucket of nice-guy goodness performed by Reeves, who actually must have been holding the top spot on Santa’s gift list for the past 30 years.
There’s hundreds of reports from people who’ve worked with Keanu over the years, and he’s gotten glowing mentions from all. Whether buying lunch for staff on set, or taking pay cuts so movies could spend their money elsewhere, Reeves should be running for president.

Reeves is the best human on the planet. Fight me.
Featured Image Credit: Lionsgate