Marvel Confirms Next Three New Heroes Featuring In Movies

Marvel’s Kevin Feige plans out which heroes are coming in Phase 4 and beyond of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since Jon Favreau’s Iron Man back in 2008, the MCU has grown from a tiny acorn to become the world’s highest-grossing franchise.

Disney+ is just around the corner and fans are already on the edge of their seats as they wait for shows including Loki, WandaVision, and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

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Credit: Marvel Comics

Feige has already promised these shows will have a big impact on the main MCU, meaning they should all be a must-watch addition to the ever-expanding family.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the Marvel Studios boss revealed three big heroes will be introduced in Disney+ TV shows before making their way to the silver screen. Feige told the site how Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, and She-Hulk will all get their time to shine.

For those who need a little background, Ms. Marvel will focus on Kama Khan — a Pakistani-American teenager who is the first Muslim to have her own comic.

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Credit: Marvel Comics

Moon Knight is effectively Batman with a personality disorder as the titular Marc Spektor tries to keep control of the various personalities fighting for control of his mind.

Finally, She-Hulk hones in on a hotshot lawyer called Jessica Walters. She develops a mild version of Hulkism when she gets a blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner.

While news of these three making their mark on the MCU is nothing new, this is the first confirmation they’ll be suiting up to appear in cinemas. MCU shows have existed before, but before Netflix cancelled the likes of Daredevil and Jessica Jones, the characters didn’t cross over into the movies.

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Credit: Marvel Comics

Elsewhere, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. originally tied to the movies thanks to cameos from Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury and Jaimie Alexander’s Lady Sif before later seasons seemed to cut all ties. Despite the previous generation of Marvel TV shows struggling to match the success of the movies, Disney+ is a second chance for small screen supes.

As the MCU moves forward, it’s clear Feige and those at the top are working to create a more connected universe where the shows and movies can work hand in hand to make the most of Marvel’s heroes and villains.

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Article originally via StudentProblems.

[Featured Image Credit: D23/Disney]