New Plague Inc. Mode Allows You To Save The World From A Pandemic

Plague Inc. has been heralded as an incredibly accurate, incredibly useful and incredibly fun pandemic simulation game which has been providing a lot of comfort during the COVID-19 outbreak. The game, which has players attempt to destroy the planet through the spread of viruses, has seen a huge surge in player numbers since the IRL pandemic began.

Credit: Ndemic Creations

The developers at Ndemic Creations, who’ve been working closely with the World Health Organisation, have just announced the game will be getting a new mode in light of current event. The free add-on will see players do the exact opposite of spread disease, and instead will see them try to save the world.

Announcing the news on the company’s official blog, Ndemic writes: “When arranging our donations with the WHO and CEPI, we were repeatedly asked if we could make a game which let the player work to stop an outbreak. Therefore, as well as providing financial support, we are accelerating work on a new Plague Inc. game mode which lets players save the world from a deadly disease outbreak.”

Credit: Ndemic Creations

When the update goes live, players “will have to balance managing disease progression and boosting healthcare systems as well as controlling real-world actions such as triaging, quarantining, social distancing and closing of public services.”

Ndemic adds: “We are developing this game mode with the help of experts from the World Health Organisation, the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and more.”

There’s no word yet on the when the update will be live, but hopefully it’s coming sooner rather than later.

Credit: Ndemic Creations

The company also announced that they’ve donated a whopping $250,000 USD to the CEPI and WHO in the hopes of helping the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. Well done to everyone involved!

Featured Image Credit: Ndemic Creations