PEGI Rating Suggests COD Modern Warfare 2 Remaster Is On The Way

Okay so we all want Call of Duty’s iconic Modern Warfare 2 to be remastered, right? There’s always rumours floating around to say that it will be, but it looks like we might finally have some fairly solid evidence of its existence.

The PEGI ratings board (or the Pan European Game Information board, if you’re feeling fancy) has confirmed [via LadBiblean (18-certificate) age rating for a game called ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.’

Credit: Activision

Sounds promising, right? Well…yes and no. The PEGI rating only seems to cover “Campaign Remastered,” which means multiplayer might be down the toilet, and the rating is currently for PlayStation 4 only.

Not all PEGI-rated games actually make it to the store shelves though, so it could still be nothing. Don’t get too down-in-the-dumps about it though, because we’ve still got lots of COD to look forward to this year.

Credit: Activision

2019 will see the release of a new addition to the iconic Call of Duty franchise, and we already know it’s going to have a single player campaign.

What we don’t know is pretty much anything else about the game, but Reddit thinks it’s dug up a little clue straight from Activision’s recent conference call.

Over on the r/mw4 subreddit, a user has uploaded a clip of the call, with the title: “If you listen in (this was the Activision investor call that happened today) you can hear the representative say ‘moder-’ then the mic cuts and he says ‘call of duty’ for the fall release of CoD (2019). This has to be Modern Warfare 4”

Unless it’s the Modern Warfare 2 remaster…?Check it out below, or read the post in full here.

If you listen in (this was the Activision investor call that happened today) you can hear the representative say ‘moder’ then the mic cuts and he says ‘call of duty’ for the fall release of CoD (2019). This has to be Modern Warfare 4 from r/mw4

It definitely does sound like the rep is about to say Modern Warfare 4, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking…?

Credit: Activision

There is a lot of evidence to support the idea though. Earlier this year, Ashton Williams, Senior Communication Manager at Infinity Ward, sent COD fans into a frenzy with a single tweet showing off a gif of a skull.

Initially it was believed that Williams was references a new Call Of Duty: Ghosts game, a claim that’s since been debunked by Kotaku’s Jason Schreier.

So, if it’s not Ghosts, there’s only two things that make any sort of logical sense: a Modern Warfare 2 remaster, or Modern Warfare 4.

Modern Warfare game – whether a remake or something brand-new – makes the most sense because Infinity Ward is the company behind the Modern Warfare series of games. Plus, Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley of MW2 is well-known for his skull-patterned balaclava.

Do you think the new COD will be MW4?



Featured Image Credit: Activision