Player Discovers Apex Legends ‘Secret 3rd Person Mode’ & It’s Absolutely Wild

Apex Legends players have been rejoicing in a newly-found glitch that turned the game from first person to third person, and the results are astounding.

A player by the name of Spaghetti4Brekky posted a clip of the phenomenon to Reddit’s Apex Legends sub where it quickly gained traction thanks to its excellence.

Credit: Respawn Entertainment

In the caption, the user writes: “Went into 3rd person view when I was about to get respawned and my squad died. Has this ever happened to anyone else before?!”

In the video, which you can check out here or watch below, you can see that the map recap screen doesn’t pop up. Instead a black screen is shown before the player is kicked back into the action – in third person.

Credit: Respawn Entertainment

From the looks of things, the player wasn’t actually being recognised as part of the match, but they could run around the map solo.

Went into 3rd person view when I was about to get respawned and my squad died. Has this ever happened to anyone else before?! from r/apexlegends

Despite third person mode not being a part of the game, what we can see in the video looks really impressive. It could suggest that a third person mode is in Respawn’s plan for the future, because what we’re seeing here is a very polished-off look.

It seems that Spaghetti4Brekky isn’t the only player to have discovered this secret way to play. One user commented on the post writing: “This happened to me in S1…. it was fun to see some legends in 3rd person fighting!”

Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Another suggests that the glitch is down to “hidden code leftover from Titanfall gameplay,” which would make a lot of sense.

Here’s hoping Apex Legends does get an official third person mode somewhere down the line, because this looks seriously sweet!

Featured Image Credit: Respawn Entertainment/EA