PlayStation Plus Subscribers Can Now Grab 7 Free Far Cry Games

If you are a PlayStation Plus subscriber, you can get your hands on 7 free Far Cry games including everything from Far Cry 3 to Far Cry 6. 

PlayStation has revealed that their subscribers can grab some of the much-loved entries from the Far Cry series for free this month. This gives players access to some of the highs (and lows) of the open-world shooter without any extra costs.

PlayStation Plus Subscribers Can Now Grab 7 Free Far Cry Games 

First launched in 2004, Far Cry has become one of Ubisoft’s most successful game franchises. Allowing players to enter open-worlds set in everything from jungles to cult-led towns, the open-world shooter has everything you need for a fun time. 

With highlights including Far Cry 3 featuring one of gaming’s best villains, Vaas, there is something to be found in every instalment – even the not-so-loved ones.

So without further ado, here’s which titles you can get your hands on:

  • Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Classic Edition – an addition to the base game first released in 2012.
  • Far Cry 4 – First released in 2014 and was met with mixed-reviews.
  • Far Cry 5 – the 2018 instalment taking place in a religious cult-led town.
  • Far Cry Primal – a spin-off from Far Cry 4 introducing cavemen to the mix.
  • Far Cry New Dawn – spin-off and sequel to Far Cry 5.
  • Far Cry 3 Classic Edition – perhaps the most-loved in the franchise.
  • Far Cry 6 Standard Edition – perhaps the most-unloved in the franchise.

How To Grab Them

If you want to get your hands on all 7, you first need to be a PlayStation Plus Subscriber. Once you have added them to your library, you can access and download them at any time as long as you remain subscribed. 

Read: PlayStation Plus Games For July Include Alan Wake Remastered And More

Will you be diving into the world of Far Cry? Let us know across our social media platforms.