Once again, resellers are proving why we can’t have nice things. This time, those pesky profiteers are buying all the Pokemon Oreos!
In the United States, Oreos has partnered with The Pokemon Company for a limited run of delicious biscuits. Sadly, however, it’s going to be difficult to nab a pack, unless you pay extortionate prices on selling websites such as eBay.
So why are these Pokemon Oreo biscuits so sought after? Well, other than being Pokemon, there’s another main reason why. For starters, as reported by TheGamer, there are 16 different Pokemon that feature in the limited Oreo run. Each featured Pokemon is rarer than the other. It is said that Mew is the rarest of them all.
Gotta buy all the Pokemon Oreo biscuits!
The other Pokemon that feature in the limited Oreo biscuits include Bulbasaur, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Dratini, Grookey, Jigglypuff, Lapras, Pancham, Pikachu, Piplup, Rowlet, Sableye, Sandshrew, Snivy, and Squirtle.

The prices of the Pokemon Oreo biscuits are quite drastic and very inconsistent. Prices have been spotted on eBay ranging from $5 USD, right up to a whopping $1,000!
If you’re wondering if someone has managed to make a sale for $1,000, yes, they have. For a single biscuit. The incredible sale was made on September 12th. To be fair, who wouldn’t sell a biscuit for $1,000?
Thankfully, I’ve just checked the eBay listings and it seems that prices are drastically coming down. Have you managed to bag yourself a rare packet of Pokemon Oreo biscuits? Let us know across our social media channels.
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Featured Image Credit: The Pokemon Company/Oreo