Rick And Morty First Piece Of Season 4 Footage Has Been Revealed

Fans have been waiting a very long time for the first look at season four of Rick and Morty, but wait no longer because we’ve finally been let in on what’s to come.

The footage has a very welcome guest appearance too, from none other than beloved Thor: Ragnarok director, Taika Waititi.

Waititi, who also voiced Korg in the (best of the franchise) movie, features as Glootie, an alien that Morty and his dad Jerry have been working with to create a new app.

YouTube video

Meanwhile we recently learned that Taika Waititi would return to the MCU to direct the fourthThor film, very welcome news among Marvel fans. 

The film has no official release date as of yet, though it already spells trouble for the director’s adaptation of Akira at Warner Bros.

That was set to debut May 2021, though it looks to be pushed back after script rewrites and other issues.

Rick and Morty will return later in the year on Adult Swim in the US, while Channel 4 will air the show in the UK.

Speaking to Entertainment Weeklyahead of this year’s Comic-Con International, Roiland explained there will be no more long waits between series. “This new season will be 10. We’re rolling right into the next batch. The plan has always been to get them out quicker.”

Harmon added, “I think it’s safe to say without fear of being wrong that the gap between seasons 3 and 4 will be the longest and last time that it’s ever so long that it’s ridiculous.

“I don’t know how fast we can do it, but I know it will never be this long again. There were so many things that had to be settled before we even started season 4, and it’s really safe to say — as Justin says — we’re literally writing season 5 while finishing season 4 just to force ourselves to commit to a certain schedule.”

[Featured Image Credit: Adultswim]

Words by Tom Chapman.