It’s not been that long since we last got a new Far Cry game thanks to the launch of New Dawn earlier this year. Even that came just a few months after Far Cry 5, but it seems that a new FC might already be on the cards.
The rumour mill is in full swing once again, this time suggesting that not only is a new FC coming – but that it’s going to be called Far Cry Frenzy, and will follow the free-to-play model.

The rumour stems from Reddit, which isn’t the most reliable of sources at the best of times, so take this with a pinch of salt for now. At the time of writing, the post has not only been deleted, but the OP has also deleted their account. Because of Ubisoft? Maybe…

Before it was deleted, the post was spotted by Future Game Releases, who says the OP claimed that Ubisoft is working on Far Cry Frenzy, a free-to-play game that was supposed to release this August. The OP also claimed the game got delayed.

Going into some detail, the poster also said Far Cry Frenzy will be – or at least, was supposed to be – a 12-player multiplayer game that also included a map maker within in. Available only as a digital download, the game is around 27GB in size, apparently.
It’s not known where this supposed leak has come from, or if there’s any truth to it. Ubisoft has yet to comment on the rumours, and with the original poster now removed from Reddit, it seems that we might be stuck speculating for a while to come…

What do you think of Far Cry Frenzy? Does this sound like the next heavy-hitter from Ubisoft, or is this simply too good to be true?
Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft