Marriage is an important part of Skyrim. It brings gameplay benefits, as well as role-playing potential. There are plenty of companions to bring along with you in the game, but maybe you want to take the relationship that bit further. This is our guide to marriage for Skyrim Anniversary Edition.
The Prep Work
The first thing you need to do is head to the Temple of Mara in Riften. At the temple, find the priest Maramal. Ask Maramal about marriage, and you will find out that what you need is an Amulet of Mara. Purchase the amulet, and keep it close. You’ll need to wear it to propose marriage to the one you love.
The Difficult Choice
Now that you are prepared for marriage, you need someone to marry. Skyrim is teeming with hot singles in your area, each with their own wants and needs. There are requirements before they will agree to marry you. Here are some examples to give you an idea of what’s involved.
Skyrim marriage guide: Ghorbash the Iron Hand
Ghorbash is a very handsome Orc that players can meet in Dushnik Yal, an Orc stronghold near Markarth. Ghorbash dreams of adventuring like the Dragonborn, but cannot leave as that would shame his people. The only way he can leave is if the player intervenes, by persuasion, bribery or good old fisticuffs. Beat Ghorbash in a brawl and he will be available as a follower, and as a potential spouse.
skyrim marriage guide: Revyn Sadri
Revyn is a Dunmer merchant who runs a shop in Windhelm. He’s an honest and upstanding dude, who really cannot stand thieves. He tasks the player with returning a ring to one Viola Giordano, as he suspects it to have been stolen. Simply returning the ring directly will mean poor Revyn will be taxed harshly despite his honest deed. However, should the Dragonborn manage to surreptitiously return the ring, Revyn will be seriously grateful. He will provide the player with speech training and will be available for some cheeky nuptials.
skyrim marriage guide: Aela the Huntress
We could hardly leave Aela off this list, could we? Aela is one of the most popular companions in Skyrim, and happens to be someone the Dragonborn can propose to. In order for Aela to agree to a wedding, you must complete the Companions questline, having destroyed the Silver Hand in the process. After that, this popular lady will agree to marriage.
The Next Step
Once your NPC of choice has been sufficiently wooed, speak to them while wearing the Amulet of Mara. A dialogue option asking for their hand in marriage will appear. If they say yes, return to the Temple of Mara in Riften and speak with Maramal to request the ceremony. Wait 24 hours, then it is official! From here, your new spouse will speak to you differently. They will want to know where you will be living together, so be sure to have a home prepared.
Just like that, you’re married! Congratulations! We brought gifts for the newlyweds, of course, such as our guides for building the perfect warrior, mage or thief, finding all the standing stones or grabbing some handy early weapons! Here’s to a long and happy life for the beautiful couple!
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Featured Image Credit: Bethesda