Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed a new trademark in the United States for The Order: 1886, which has sparked fresh new rumours.
Released in 2015 for the PlayStation 4, The Order: 1886 was developed by Ready at Dawn. The Order: 1886 was an incredibly ambitious title, but also one that was quite flawed. Furthermore, it was very QTE heavy.
The Order: 1886 was set in an alternative history, steampunk London. It told the tale of legendary Knights of the Round table, but with a twist. Humans, werewolves, and vampires were caught up in an ever-raging war. Visually, this game looked amazing, even now. It was a truly cinematic experience, but where it elevated in the visuals department, it was lacking in gameplay.
What does this trademark mean?

Following the filed trademark, some have speculated that The Order: 1886 might be getting a PlayStation 5 remaster or even a sequel. After all, The Order: 1886 featured a post-credit scene that hinted that a sequel would arrive so who knows?
However, it’s highly likely that this trademark might just be a run of the mill procedure for Sony. In most cases, trademarks are filed just so that no one can pinch a license. That said, we will never know unless Sony was to make an announcement.
It is worth keeping in mind that, Ready at Dawn is now owned by Facebook. So, if a remaster or sequel would happen, it’s very unlikely that it will be developed by the studio.
What do you make of Sony filing a trademark for The Order: 1886, would you like to see a remaster or sequel? Perhaps it might arrive on PC or even Oculus Quest? Let us know across our social media channels.
Featured Image Credit: Sony/Ready at Dawn