Steam Summer Sale Starts Today and They are going Big this Year

Every year we get the Steam Summer sale which always produces a lot of reduced price games. Some reduced as much as 75%-80%. This year is of course no different and brings the same incredible prices on some top games.

Here are some of the ‘must play’ games that they have on offer.

  • Life is Strange complete season 75% off
  • ARK: Survival evolved 67% off
  • Don’t Starve 75% off


This is just the beginning of the games that they have on offer there are plenty more that you can pick up for pennies! Check out the full list here.

There are also some new games that have a little bit knocked off the price but are still very much worth picking up. Games like Frostpunk only has 15% off but looks incredible.

PUBG will also be 33% off but isn’t technically part of the summer sale. This is the first time that PUBG will be on sale since it was listed on Steam. Picking it up will now cost you $20 (just over £18.00). This comes as the game has now sold over 50 million copies on PC Xbox and also mobile.

There are 19 games in total that are 90% off. These games aren’t the top of the pile when it comes to replay-ability or how well they are put together but you can’t knock a few hours of fun for $0.59 can you?

What games will you be picking up from this years Steam sale?