Terraria Boss Summon Items Guide

Most bosses in Terraria have a linked summoning item that can be used by players to spawn them when certain conditions in-game are met. Some are based on environmental interactions but having Terraria boss summon items is vital for players.

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Event bosses, however, will only appear during their respective events and leave when they end; the same goes for mini-bosses. But we imagine readers of this article are already clued up and are looking for.

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Terraria Boss Summon Items Guide

here’s a rundown of all Terraria Boss Summon Items and how to make them:

Abeemination – Terraria Boss Summon Items

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsHoney Block (5), Stinger, Hive (5), Bottled HoneyBy Hand
Nintendo 3DSHoney Block (5), Stinger, Hive (5), Bottled Honey, Crispy Honey Block (3), Obsidian (2)Demon or Crimson Altar

Bloody Spine – Terraria Boss Summon Items

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsVicious Powder (30), Vertebra (15)Demon or Crimson Altar
Nintendo 3DSVertebra (15)Demon or Crimson Altar

Celestial Sigil – Terraria Boss Summon Items

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsSolar Fragment (20), Vortex Fragment (20), Nebula Fragment (20), Stardust Fragment (20)Ancient Manipulator
Terraria Boss Summon Items

Clothier Voodoo Doll – Terraria Boss Summon Items

This accessory allows the player, Falling Stars, and other NPCs to harm and kill the Clothier NPC. Killing the Clothier at night summons Skeletron. The doll has a 1/300 (0.33%) chance to drop from Angry Bones or Dark Casters in Dungeons.

Cursed stuffing – Terraria Boss Summon Items

Used to summon Turkor, the Ungrateful boss, It has a 1/7 (14.29%) chance of dropping from all enemies during Thanksgiving (November 1–30). Players need to summon the Pet Turkey with the Turkey feather, then use the Cursed stuffing.

Deer Thing – Terraria Boss Summon Items

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All Formats Flinx Fur (3), Lens, Crimtane Ore (5)/Demonite Ore (5)Crimson / Demon Altar, respectively.

Gelatin Crystal

The Gelatin Crystal is a Hardmode consumable item used to summon the Queen Slime boss. It can be found on Pearlstone, Pearlsand, or Pink Ice Blocks in the Underground Hallow.

Guide Voodoo Doll

Serving as the summoning item for the Wall of Flesh, it’s a guaranteed drop from the elusive Underworld dwelling Voodoo Demons. Players can kill the Guide with direct attacks from weapons when equipped.

Lihzahrd Power Cell

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
Nintendo 3DSGlass (10), Fallen Star (25), Adamantite Bar / Titanium Bar (10)Work Bench

Mechanical Eye

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsLens (3), any Iron Bar (5), Soul of Light (6)Mythril / Orichalcum Anvil
Terraria Boss Summon Items

Mechanical Skull

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsBone (30), Any Iron Bar (5), Soul of Light (3), Soul of Night (3)Mythril / Orichalcum Anvil

Mechanical Worm

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsRotten Chunk (6)/Vertebra (6), Any Iron bar (5), Soul of Night (6)Mythril / Orichalcum Anvil

Prismatic Lacewing

This flying bug can be found in the surface Hallow from dusk until midnight after Plantera has been defeated. When killed by a player, it summons the Empress of Light.

Slime Crown

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsGel (20), Gold/Platinum CrownDemon / Crimson Altar
Nintendo 3DSGel (99), Gold/Platinum CrownDemon / Crimson Altar

Suspicious Looking Egg

These eggs are used to summon the Lepus boss. It is dropped by Diseaster Bunnies and Corrupt Bunnies during Easter alongside Lepus.

Suspicious Looking Eye

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsLens (6)Demon / Crimson Altar

Suspicious Looking Skull

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
Nintendo 3DSMechanical Skull, Mechanical Eye (2), Adamantite Bar (10), Soul of Night (5), Soul of Light (5)Mythril / Orichalcum Anvil
Seventh Generation ConsolesMechanical Skull, Mechanical Eye (2), Adamantite Bar / Titanium Bar (10), Soul of Night (5), Soul of Light (5)Mythril / Orichalcum Anvil

Truffle worm

The Truffle Worm is a rare bug and spawns in the underground Glowing Mushroom biome on Hardmode. Used to summon Duke Fishron boss, it must be caught ) and used as bait with a fishing pole in an Ocean biome.

Worm Food

FormatsIngredientsCrafting Station
All FormatsVile Powder (30), Rotten Chunk (15)Demon / Crimson Altar

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