The Cutest Bunny Gardening Game Is Coming To Steam

Ready to play as a fuzzy bunny gardening, running a greenhouse and plant store? What am I saying – of course you are.

An adorable rabbit horticulture game is coming to Steam in less than 2 weeks. Bunhouse is a couch co-hop (I refuse to apologise) game that is the perfect way to relax and unwind. As the game’s description describes:

“Bunhouse is a cute, simple, bunny-filled game focused on growing plants and managing a greenhouse with fellow buns. Take care of your leafy plant buddies by balancing the amount of water and light they get. Play with friends and upgrade your greenhouse for wholesome, relaxing fun.”

Credit: Reky Studios

You can grow new plants to sell, decorate and upgrade your warehouse and go fishing with your bunny friends – up to 4 can play together via couch co-op. Gardening has been embraced by many through the pandemic – from full on veg plots to houseplants to fresh herbs in the kitchen. This game will be perfect for those looking to flex their green thumbs, and learn more about growing plants.

You can see the trailer here:

YouTube video

The game was made thanks to a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, which was fully funded in 5 days, restoring my faith in humanity. It’s been developed and published by Patrick Gauthier, through his company Reky Studios. Gauthier is responsible for the whole game – from the modelling of the buns to the sweet score. His Tweet talking about the game’s release went a bit viral here:

The game is out on 19 October on Steam, and will be for PC only at the moment. I’m adding it to my wishlist now!

What do you think about this bunny gardening game? Are you excited to play it? Let us know via our social media channels.

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Featured Image Credit: Reky Studios