Gaming is become more and more accessible, with more disabled gamers than ever before now enjoying games through technology that allows them to engage in new and exciting ways.
Enter Rocky, who streams on Twitch under the name RockyNoHands. 31-years-old Rocky has been in a wheelchair for 12 years after a fall dislocated two of his thoracic vertebrae and severed his spinal cord, resulting in quadriplegia.

He explains in his Twitch bio: “I play games using my mouth. No one is better at it.”
And taking a look at his channel shows just how skilled a gamer Rocky really is, playing everything from SCUM to PUBG for his 52,000 followers.
It’s thanks to advances in modern technology that allow Rocky to pursue his passion for gaming: more specifically it’s down to the Quadstick: a game controller for quadriplegics.

“The Quadstick FPS has a joystick, four sip/puff pressure sensors and a Lip position sensor which can be assigned to output to any game controller button or axis, or to any mouse movement, button or keyboard key,” explains Rocky to his followers.
“The mapping between the inputs and outputs can be customized by the user and changed quickly while playing a game.”
Watch knees have been bent some 2 knees #detroitgamers from RockyNoHands on www.twitch.tvYou can check out the QuadStick being demonstrated back in 2014, via the video below.
Speaking to PCGamer back in 2017, Rocky said: “PUBG was probably the hardest game. It took me about three days to make a layout. I use literally every button you have, and there’s some stuff I can’t even do. I can’t switch car seats. With stuff like that, I ran out of options.
“In order to crouch, I sip on the left and middle hole. There’s a tube on the side of it that I rarely use for anything, and I puff on that to go prone. To shoot, I just blow into the center hole. That’s the quickest button to use so I use that for shooting. To run, I have it so it’s one analog—move and aim at the same time. That’s how I run around. If I sip, I can switch it to where my analog becomes a mouse, and if I sip again, it moves like strafing. And I [can aim] because it swivels on a camera mount.
“I would say that using it’s not difficult, it’s just memorizing and adapting to every game. It’s easy to use once you know how to use it. It’s almost like any other game: you start, you look at the controls, you keep pausing it and looking. You just have to do that a lot more than normal.”
Gaming continues to grow more accessible and more inclusive thanks to modern technological advances.
Follow RockyNoHands over on Twitch right here!
Featured Image Credit: Twitch/RockyNoHands