Unfortunately there’s never any shortage of crime caught by livestreamers over on Twitch. The streaming platform has – sadly – seen everything from home invasions to muggings being accidentally recorded and viewed, and it’s something that’s unlikely to end anytime soon as (obviously) no-one can predict when they’re about to fall victim to an attack.

It’s seemingly happened again, this time with livestreamer BeesonmyheadTV, who’s now been banned from Twitch following the stream in question.
BeesonmyheadTV recorded what appears to be the moment when he’s approached, carjacked and even shot at by some unidentified people. It’s pretty NSFW, but if you’re keen to see it I’ll link the Reddit post right here (consider yourself warned).

It’s not clear if BeesonmyheadTV was harmed during the event, though it’s believed that he picks up the fallen camera and ends the stream after the attack. Hopefully this means that no injuries were sustained.
As for Twitch banning the account, it’s also not too clear what’s happened there. Over on Reddit some are claiming that this is normal for Twitch to do when a channel has streamed footage of anything which needs to be investigated by law enforcement.

Others have claimed this is simply a terms of service violation. Twitch has yet to clarify what’s actually happened to BeesonmyheadTV’s channel.
On Twitter, one user writes: “I don’t believe he was actually hit but it was [a part] of the carjacking…
“Twitch: wont ban someone for abusing their animal,
“Also Twitch: bans some dude for getting carjacked and shot at.”

Hopefully BeesonmyheadTV wasn’t seriously harmed during the incident, though it’s not known whether he sustained any injuries.
He’s since tweeted simply: “I’m ok. Everyone is ok.”
It’s a dangerous world. Stay safe out there, folks.
Featured Image Credit: Pixabay