Video games are great. Without them, we (as in GameByte… not as in humanity) wouldn’t exist. They’re fun, they’re entertaining, they’re challenging and so many other words. Have you ever wondered how to get involved in the industry though?
It can definitely seem daunting. After all, if you don’t know how to code surely there’s no way you can work in games, right? Wrong!
Games have come a long way over the years and now include teams with various talents, disciplines and skills. From community management to writing. Character design to producing. Plus everything else in-between (and beyond).

How Can I Find Out More About Making Games?
The awesome Into Games are doing a free event on 29th July with some great panels. It’s all online and is basically a careers fair that will have a huge range of UK game studios taking part. This includes Creative Assembly (Alien: Isolation, Total War), Frontier (Elite Dangerous, Planet Zoo), Playground (Forza Horizon, Fable) and Sumo Digital (Sackboy, LittleBigPlanet 3).
All of them will be showcasing their latest roles and also providing advice and feedback.

The event will also feature a series of discipline-specific free talks. These will give you plenty of practical advice for tips to get into the games industry and include:
- Games Art
- Games Audio
- Marketing and Community Building
- Games Production
- Games Narrative Design
- How to set up your own indie studio
- Games Programming
Due to it being online it means that the event can be attended by anyone from all over the world if you want to get an insight into the world of video game development.
If you attend and like it make sure to not only let us know on Twitter but Into Games too. We’ll make sure to update this article with any assets (talks etc) we receive after the event too so you can find out more about how to get into game creation even if you miss the event!
Featured image credit: Into Games