Zombie Army 4 Can Help Scratch Your Left 4 Dead Itch

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The Zombie Army games up to now have been a fun spin off of Rebellion’s more established Sniper Elite series. In Zombie Army 4: Dead War though the series is looking to stand on its own two feet. From what we’ve seen of the game it’s looking like it’ll be the best entry yet!

Wearing its inspirations on its sleeve the game clearly takes some ideas from the likes of Left 4 Dead. We found out it delivers its own spin though when we were invited to check it out recently.

Take a look at the video at the top of the page for some raw gameplay. Alternatively you can check out the video at the bottom of the page from FragHero to find out even more information about what they thought of their hands on time with Zombie Army 4.

You’ll be able to pick up Zombie Army 4: Dead War on PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC when it launches on February 4th. Make sure to get in touch and let us know what you think!
