Asmongold Not Backing Down On Views About ‘Ugly’ Streamers

Asmongold recently came under fire for his views on ‘fat’ and/or ‘ugly’ streamers not being as successful. Now it seems as though he stands by those views.

Well-known World of Warcraft streamer Asmongold recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. This came after he shared his views on why some streamers aren’t as successful as others. He attributes this to their appearance.

Now a few days on, the streamer continued the topic over on his Youtube channel. Despite the controversy, he is sticking to his views. 

Asmongold Not Backing Down On Views About ‘Ugly’ Streamers

As reported by Dexerto, the streamer who has over 3.4 million followers on Twitch, doubled down on his beliefs. 

“I think that it’s a benchmark,” Asmongold said in his latest video. “So, for example, if there’s something wrong with your face, then it’s a big issue. People don’t wanna look at somebody who has something wrong with their f*****’ face.”

“But I would say, in general, if you look at the majority of people that are popular streamers, they are at least average to above-average attractiveness. I’m not talking about myself, okay? I’m saying the other people, the average. That’s just how it is,” he continued.

He acknowledged that people were “mad” about his views but suggested that these people get “mad at a mirror” rather than him. He claims the people who took his comments personally simply “don’t understand statistics.” 

Read: Twitch’s Asmongold Claims ‘Fat and Ugly’ Streamers Won’t Be Liked

The Responses

With a following of over 1.85 million subscribers on Youtube, it is no surprise that a majority of the comments supported his views. Regardless of how you feel about Asmongold’s views, it seems like he is not backing down on them any time soon. 

What do you think of these views? Let us know across our social media platforms.