The dagger Cinquedea in Elden Ring is a symbolic and celebrated weapon given to high ranking clergymen of Farum Azula. With the five fingers of the beast running down its blade to celebrate the intelligence once granted on their kind, this weapon is somewhat of an artefact.
Elden Ring FAQ: Every Guide You’ll Need
Let’s break down the statistics of Cinquedea and go into a little more detail:

Cinquedea Elden Ring
Attack: Physical 98, Critical 100
Guard: Physical: 43, Magic/Fire/Light/Holy: 25, Boost: 18
Requirements: Strength: 10, Dexterity: 10
Scaling: Strength: D, Dexterity: E
Weapon Skill: Quickstep
Upgrade Possibilities: Somber Smithing Stones only

Cinquedea Elden Ring Location
The Crumbling Farum Azula is a dungeon in Elden Ring and is also considered to be a very small region. It can be reached by finding the Site of Grace at the Forge of the Giants and by talking to Melina/listening to the flame.
Once players have ‘committed a sin’ by talking to Melina from the Site of Grace mentioned above. The player’s character will fall asleep and wake up in the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Cinquedea can be found outside the Bestial Sanctum near the broken rat corpse statue. Starting on the west side of the Bestial Sanctum, players must take a series of drops down the side of the building onto platforms. The statue and dagger can be found on the lowest platform, continuing on this platform will bag players a talisman too.
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