With Deathloop originally starting off as a “small game”, Arkane co-founder reveals it took the place of a potential Dishonoured 3.
In an interview with RockPaperShotgun, Arkane co-founder Raphaël Colantonio revealed that the 2021 FPS game Deathloop originally started off as “a small game”. However, it wasn’t long before it ultimately got a lot bigger.
What happened to Dishonoured 3?
With Arkane Studio not wanting to work on Dishonoured 3, the third part of their critically-acclaimed action-adventure game series, they decided to turn their attention to a smaller game. This one would have multiplayer, microtransactions and a “lot of recycling.”
However, Deathloop ended up becoming a “big thing over the years”. This could be down to its unique concept of an FPS based around a single day with four unique cycled environments. Add some multiplayer invasions, and Deathloop at launch is the one you see today.
“It would probably cost just as much to make Dishonored 3,” Colantonio admitted in the interview” added Colantonio in the interview. “But back then it was not meant to be.”

Did Arkane Make The Right Choice
Although the Dishonoured series captured player’s imaginations when it was first released back in 2012 (with the sequel arriving in 2016), a third instalment caused some contention. As always, prolonging a gaming series could be its downfall but Dishonoured 3 could have avoided this misfortune.
However, with Deathloop also being met with good reviews and being a brand new title, perhaps Arkane made the right decision. Especially considering the studio wants to go down the FPS route which Dishonoured strayed away from.
A Busy Time for the Studio
This news also comes alongside Arkane’s upcoming Redfall that releases May 2. This vampire slaying FPS has been the topic of conversation since it was first announced and it remains to be seen if it will live up to the hype.
Read: Redfall PC Requirements, Best Settings, and more
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