Battlefield 5 has been in spot of bother recently, after DICE pulled duos mode from the game’s new battle royale addition, Firestorm. Citing a lack of players as a major issue that led to the removal of the feature, it suggested that Battlefield 5 might be in some trouble in terms of its popularity.
However, DICE might be prepared for any dwindling numbers, as rumour suggests it might be adding dinosaurs into the war epic.

Because dinosaurs were the real threat during wartime…?
The pretty dubious rumour comes from YouTuber JackFrags [via Game Rant], and it centres around a hidden Morse code message that supposedly reads: “Soon preround red flares.”

The internet believes the cryptic message could be a reference to the ever-so-useful red flares from the iconic movie, Jurassic Park. You know, the flares which are used to lure a T-Rex away.

Mostly, the theory comes from a Battlefield 1 Easter egg where players found a megalodon in the game, suggesting that DICE might be a big fan of the old dinosaur era.
Are we likely to be getting dinosaurs in Battlefield 5? Well…probably not, not.
Over on Reddit, players have been asking for a dinosaur mode for the game for a while now. In a post from 2018, one player writes: “Dice likes putting animals (megalodon/whale) into their games as Easter eggs. A big draw to the cod series is their coop zombie/robot alien wave defense modes. What about a dinosaur defense game?

“Have super armored dinos aka tanks, light fast raptors aka infantry, and pterosaurs ( yes I know not Dino’s) for air. Code them like bf1 horses and then you can use all existing vehicles to defend successive waves. Let’s just say the Germans almost cloned them so they could have seen combat :p”
What do you think? Will DICE be giving us dinos?
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