Dungeons & Dragons Is Easy To Get Into – Here’s Why!

One of the biggest misconceptions about Dungeons & Dragons is that it’s overly complicated and difficult to access as a beginner. We’re here to debunk that myth and explain just how easy it is to get started with your very own D&D campaign.

Fun with friends

Just like any other board or video game, Dungeons and Dragons is a fantastic way to have fun with friends. The last 18-months of the pandemic has highlighted just how important it is for us to experience fun via human connections. D&D offers a perfect avenue for that while letting players explore their imaginations.

In addition, D&D is a fantastic way to meet new people. You know how games like Rocket League and World of Warcraft have their own communities of like minded players? D&D is just the same! There are currently 50 million active fans that play D&D across the globe. If you’re looking for a hobby that can help you make new friends, D&D is an excellent place to start.

What do you need to get started?

There are few different places to get started with D&D, but we’d recommend the Essentials Kit. This product includes everything you need to get started with the tabletop game in an easy to digest format. There’s a condensed rulebook that tells you all the important ruleset information you need in the beginning. There’s information here on how to create characters and also how to create sidekicks. That means you can play with just two people – one Dungeon Master and one Adventurer.

Also included in the box is a prewritten adventure, “Dragon of Icespire Peak”. This is an accessible story that will ease you into the mechanics of what it’s like to play D&D. There’s also a themed map included in the box to help spark up your imagination. That’s also assisted by a set of 81 visual cards that depict characters, items, and conditions. These are especially useful for new players to help them visualise what’s going on in the game.

A blank set of character sheets will assist players in drawing up their own character for the first time. Finally, a set of all the dice you need to play is included in the box. D&D uses a standard dice set which includes a D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, and D20. The corresponding number indicates how many sides the die have.

There’s also the D&D Starter Set which includes similar materials to get you started with the game. Another short rule booklet that tells you everything you need to know. There are also premade character sheets so you don’t need to worry about dreaming up a new person from scratch. With plenty of tips for new Dungeon Master’s and players alike, you’ll be comfortable with your new hobby in no time.

Beyond the Essentials Kit…

Once you’ve become familiar with the Essentials Kit, you can look to start expanding your D&D horizons. A set of dice is included with the Essentials equipment, but it’s helpful if every player has their own set to use. You’ll find plenty of artsy looking dice to purchase out there, and they can become quite addicting to collect! 

Other useful equipment includes the D&D Player’s Handbook. It’s handy for groups to have at least one copy of this lying around. That way players can refer back to helpful pieces of lore, rulesets, and character traits.

If you’re looking to take your love of D&D a little further, you can also look into purchasing minis for your characters. These fun little figurines offer a physical representation of your characters on their quests. Combine these with a Dungeon Master screen, and your tabletop setup will look superbly professional in no time.

For those living in France and Germany, a copy of the D&D Starter Set can be obtained for free if you sign up to the D&D newsletter on the official site. It’s quick and easy to sign up and will give you plenty of news and announcements about the tabletop phenomenon!

It can be played online, too!

If the thought of playing D&D in person doesn’t appeal to you, then there’s an alternative option – playing online. D&D Beyond is an official online tool that enables players to embark on their adventures virtually. Using the online tool, you can create digital character sheets to make designing your fantasy avatar a breeze. 

All of the D&D expansion books are available to purchase there, although the basic resources are available to use for free. What makes the process even easier is that many of the processes are automated when you own the right books. In addition, if one person in your group owns resources on D&D Beyond, they can be shared with the rest of the group for campaigns.

Other officially supported tools also include Roll20. This fantastic tool lets D&D players craft and host their campaigns online, complete with custom artwork and automated game mechanics. Character sheets and encounters are tracked and calculated automatically, making it a fantastic way to play and learn D&D online.

Another useful tool is Fantasy Grounds. Just like Roll20, it’s a digital staging ground for D&D content and makes the rulesets even more accessible. When paired with voice chat systems like Discord, players are able to play entire campaigns remotely using these handy tools.

It’s all sounding much simpler than you thought, right?! If you’d like to learn more about how to get started with Dungeons and Dragons, head over to the official D&D website

Do you think you’ll be giving Dungeons & Dragons a go? Let us know across our social channels!

Part of a paid partnership between GameByte and Dungeons & Dragons.