Everything You Need To Know About Fortnite’s Latest Patch 

Another week, another Fortnite patch, but was it worth the extra wait time?

Epic Games has treated us to a load of new and exciting goodies for both Battle Royale and Save The World modes. 

The most innnteresting update is the new Rift-To-Go item, which Epic describes as “any player’s ace in the hole.”  

You’ll now be able to bring a new dynamic into your games by creating a Rift for allies and for yourself. 

Battle Royale will also get itself a new Limited Time Mode too, called Score Royale. Here’s you’ll be collecting points to nab yourself the Victory Royale, with the winner being the one with the biggest point tally. 

The patch notes for the new LTM confirm: “Earn points by collecting coins, opening loot containers and eliminating other players. The first to cross the High Score threshold wins the Victory Royale!” 

As for the mechanics of the new LTM, it seems that “early game Storm circles are larger and the Storms move in more slowly, giving players more time to spread out and search for loot.”    

Save The World fans will be treated to a new weapon – the Bundlebuss Assault Rifle. Writing about the  snazzy-looking weapon, Epic states: “Lots of damage and plenty of ammo. This multi-barrelled Flintlock weapon has quite a kick, just ask the Husks you use it on.” 

Also for Save The World, Horde Challenge Week 3 is now live. Here you can “deploy your forts and survive wave after wave of enemies as they attempt to pummel your defenses to dust.  

“Complete the Challenge and earn a legendary reward.” 

Along with the additional extras, the v5.30 Patch Notes also details a load of the usual bug fixes. 

Are you excited for the latest update? Check out Epic Games’ new patch notes in full right here.