Fans Are Petitioning For Keanu Reeves To Play Minecraft With PewDiePie

PewDiePie a.k.a the King of YouTube has been dominating the content creation circle for the last few months with his second-to-none Minecraft videos.

The first episode of his Let’s Play, which was released just three months ago, has now amassed over 33 million views, and his later episodes have faired almost as well.

YouTube video

In response to both the success of the Minecraft LPs, and the ever-growing meme that is actor Keanu Reeves, one fan has created a petition to try and get the two united for a special Let’s Play of Minecraft.

Earlier this summer, a user by the name of Rio Marchello created the petition on, writing: “Let’s Play! : Keanu Reeves & Pewdiepie Playing Minecraft (LIVE),

Credit: Mojang

“Let’s persuade Reeves to  play Minecraft with Pewdiepie via Livestream to save our planet earth!”

At the time of writing, over 4000 people have signed the petition to share their support for the…erm…cause?

Credit: Instagram/PewDiePie

Whether Keanu Reeves actually will show his beautiful face in a PewDiePie stream seems unlikely, but I’m totally game for that. If you want to show your support you can do so by clicking here.

It was announced earlier this year that Reeves will be playing a prominent role in CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077, the reveal of which caused the Hollywood star to become a meme after telling an E3 audience member that they were “breathtaking.”

Credit: CD Projekt Red

In Cyberpunk 2077, Reeves will be playing a character known as Johnny Silverhand, who is part of a chip embedded in your brain. He guides the story missions, though whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy remains to be seen. Of all the game’s cast, Keanu Reeves has the biggest speaking role aside from the playable character of V.

Cyberpunk 2077 releases on April 16 2020.

Featured Image Credit: E3