Gamescom 2018: Everything We Learned About Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is definitely going to be going up against some tough competition when it releases later this year.

The last few months of 2018 are going to see Red Dead Redemption 2, Fallout 76, Spider-Man, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee…honestly the list of games we’re excited for is never-ending.

GameByte got a first-hand look at the upcoming Assassin’s Creed title at Gamescom 2018, and it’s definitely on our wish list.

Tackling Medusa in one of the game’s most exciting boss fights, our very own Brett Claxton enjoyed some tough combat in a beautifully dark and defined AC universe.

You can check out Brett taking on the Medusa boss below, in 20 minutes of brand-new Assassin’s Creed gameplay.

YouTube video

The addition to the Assassin’s Creed line-up has taken a leaf out of Shadow of Mordor’s book when it comes to gameplay.

The game will implement a recruitment system very similar to the one seen in the Mordor games, giving you the chance to hire the Phylakes instead of just killing them so that you can build your own army of foot soldiers. 

Very cool! 

You won’t just be able to recruit, you’ll also be punished for any bad behaviour. Speaking to Game Informer, Odyssey’s creative director Jonathan Dumont said: “Let’s say you’re going around the world and you’re a sh*thead, 

“It’s your choice, but there are consequences.”  

These consequences apparently include having a bounty placed on your head, marking you as a target if you commit any crimes. 

With a bounty on you, you’ll be constantly attacked by mercenaries, meaning you’re going to have to be pretty tough to survive if you want to live the life of a criminal.  

To shake it, you’ll need to track the one who ordered the bounty and kill them. 

Dumont went on to confirm that the game has “endless Phylakes,” starting you off with 50 mercenaries made up of randomly generated soldiers and hand-crafted characters. 

Any new recruits that you do decide to hire rather than kill will become a part of your ship’s crew, offering up special abilities like increasing the speed of your vessel or improving its weapons. 

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will release on 5th October 2018. Will you be picking it up?

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