There is a Great Netflix Deal With This Months PS+

PlayStation and Netflix go together like chips and dip, so it’s really about time that the two companies joined forces to give PlayStation users the gift of free movie and TV streaming. 

Luckily that time has now arrived, and if you’re not already a PS Plus subscriber then you’ll be able to take advantage of a whole three months of 100% free Netflix. 


Right now if you subscribe to PS Plus for three months you’ll also get yourself a three month Netflix subscription at no extra cost, setting you back just £19.99 for both packages – which is the usual amount of a PS Plus sub.

The downside is that this freebie isn’t available for those who’ve already subscribed to PlayStation Plus (sorry!) but it’s a neat little incentive if you’ve been on the fence about plunging into Sony’s subscription service. 

In case you didn’t know, PS Plus will give you access to a few free games a month (for as long as your subscription remains active). 

August’s free games are available to download from today (7th August 2018), and you can nab yourself some really fantastic titles, including Mafia III and Dead by Daylight for the PlayStation 4. 


PlayStation 3 users haven’t been forgotten either, with Serious Sam 3 and Bound by Flame being available to download right now.

If you haven’t yet downloaded July’s free games then sorry but you’re out of luck. Heavy Rain, Absolver and the rest of July’s offerings have now been replaced with August’s. Freebies don’t wait around forever after all!

If you’re keen on signing up to the service and getting your free Netflix subscription then you’ll need to act fast, as the promotion is only running until 8th August 2018. 

Is this enough to make you sign up for PlayStation Plus? Will existing subscribers be getting any similar freebies in the future?