GTA Online Aliens Are Now Fighting Back Against GTA Online Aliens

Earlier this week we reported on the alien “invasion” happening over in GTA Online. A group of players dressed as bright green aliens were casually causing the most havoc possible by assaulting anyone in their paths, and the situation has now escalated.

As reported by RockPaperShotgun, the lime green aliens are now involved in an all-out war with purple aliens, who are fighting back against the tidal wave of extra terrestrial crime.

Credit: Rockstar Games/*t

Not only are the purple aliens apparently seeking out and killing any green aliens they find, there are also reports of the purple aliens trying to protect other players from the crime syndicate.

It seems as though, if you’re keen to join this all-out war, you’ll need to pick your side wisely. Will you be an evil green villain, or a purple vigilante? It’s one of the joys of online games, that’s for sure.

Credit: Reddit.Muttznutz04/Rockstar Games

Original story as follows:

A group – or gang, I suppose – of “aliens” have invaded Grand Theft Auto Online, harassing people as they go about their GTA business. The gang, who appear primarily on TikTok, seemingly identify as aliens, wearing lime green bodysuits and carrying a series of weapons with which to take down their foes.

Credit: Rockstar Games/*t

The TikTok series (because yes, it’s a series) comes courtesy of TikTok account*t, who is now regularly posting the “invasions” of GTA Online.

A number of the gang’s exploits have now made their way to Reddit, where the aliens can be seen brutally attacking everyone and anyone they see. It’s a video game though, and it’s actually really funny and definitely not weird at all.

Credit: Rockstar Games/*t

I…honestly did not think this would be a story I would ever write.

If you join an alien gang in GTA Online, let us know which side you’re on (and if you pick green, kindly stay away from me!)

YouTube video

Featured Image Credit: Reddit.Muttznutz04/Rockstar Games