The video game market in 2019 is as gun-shooty, blood-splattered and battle-royaley as ever, but not every developer out there is looking to follow the trend.
Indie developer RainbowVerse has created a game that’s designed to actually make you happy as you play, which is definitely something we could all use.

PrimeOrbial is a new Steam game which recently launched in Early Access, and by using colour, light and sound, it wants to improve your mood.
“PrimeOrbial is a 3D physics-based action platformer with an infinitely powerful in-game World Creator,” reads the game’s description. “Bounce, tether, hover and fly as you discover the endless possibilities of the RainbowVerse. Explore whimsical, hand-crafted environments, build your own worlds or modify existing ones.”

Over on a Reddit thread about the game, the developer elaborated on how the game will lift your spirits, saying: “Color, motion, physics, explosions, and cheerful music and sound [are used].
“One of the core goals of the game is to create positive feelings within players with things that make us, the developers, feel happy too.”
N’awwww isn’t that lovely!

Along with its creation tools and bright aesthetics, PrimeOrbial promises some really in-depth detail when it comes to the game mechanics.
“Every curve and corner, every tree and flower fully interact with PrimeOrbial in true-to-life form.
“You don’t float up a staircase, or roll flat across the ground. You touch and jump over each and every step. You feel every divot and deformation of the terrain – it makes the fantastical feel natural, and creates a uniquely deep gameplay experience.”
I can’t vouch for how happy this will make you, but it does look seriously fun to play!
If this sounds like it’s what you need right now then check out PrimeOrbial on Steam here, or its website here!
Featured Image Credit: RainbowVerse, LLC