The instantly recognisable voice of the Halo multiplayer announcer, Jeff Steitzer, has shown his support for trans rights in a video on Cameo.
If you’ve played any of the Halo games, you’ll know exactly who Jeff Steitzer is. He’s the guy who lends his voice to the voice of a god-like narrator who dictates your multiplayer matches in epic fashion. Lines like “Double Kill”, “Beatdown”, and “Killionaire” surely punctuated millions of childhoods spent playing matches of Halo.
“You are all un-freaking-believable!”
His voice has always sounded amazing, but Steitzer has grav-lifted himself to a whole other level of cool this week. The voice actor posted a video on Cameo for the Twitter user @tanisthelesbiab. Cameo is a service that lets users request short video messages from celebrities. In his message to Tanis, Steitzer expressed a strong support for the transgender community, explicitly saying “trans rights!” in his epic Halo announcer voice.
“The struggle of trans people reminds me so much of all the other struggles that I’ve been a witness to over the many years that I have been alive,” says Steitzer in his Cameo. “I’ve watched the Black Americans struggle, the Asian Americans, the Hispanic individuals, I’ve seen gays and lesbians and Native Americans – And now I see trans folks like yourself, who basically want nothing more than to enjoy the equality that everybody else aspires to and which I for one think you should have.”
Steitzer closes out his short message with a message to the trans community in the best announcer voice that he can muster: “I’d like to say in conclusion, to all the trans people, all your friends, and to you – you are all un-freaking-believable! Be well.”
It’s fantastic to hear Steitzer’s beloved voice exclaim his support for the trans community. Tanis was clearly pleased with his response, tweeting, “HE’S EVEN COOLER THAN I THOUGHT”.
The official Xbox account also showed up to show the brand’s support, saying “He’s absolutely right.”
He’s absolutely right.
— Xbox (@Xbox) August 4, 2021
Trans rights are human rights
Other voice actors from the gaming sphere have also previously shown their support for trans rights. In 2019, the voice of Master Chief, Steve Downes, also posted a video to Cameo proclaiming his support for the transgender rights cause. “You know a Spartan’s job is to fight for the rights of all humanity. So with that in mind, my friend asked me to pass this along: ‘Trans rights are human rights.’ Master Chief, out.”
Outside of Halo, the voice of Geralt has also previously spoken out in support of the transgender community. Doug Cockle was asked on Twitter whether Geralt supports trans rights. In response, Cockle said, “If I have anything to say about it he does!”. Cockle has also appeared on a Twitch stream hosted by PhilosophyTube. During said stream, Cockle expertly slips into Geralt’s voice to say, “Hey everyone. Honestly, trans rights is a good thing.”
Both Jeff Steitzer and Steve Downes are set to return to the world of Halo when Infinite releases later this year. All we know is that it’s supposed to release before Christmas, though a recent Krispy Kreme ad might have just leaked the actual release date.
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Featured Image Credit: Jeff Steitzer / Xbox Game Studios