Naughty Dog Doesn’t Use The Word ‘Fun’ For The Last Of Us Part 2

The Last of Us is known for its groundbreaking storyline, beautiful graphics and intense gameplay – but is it known for fun?

The game rocketed Naughty Dog to the top-tier of gaming gods, with lots of games taking inspiration from TLOU.

Now, with a sequel on the way, director Neil Druckmann has spoken out about just how Naughty Dog works on its projects.


Speaking about the success of The Last Of Us Part 2′s gameplay success at this years’ E3, Druckmann told Buzzfeed: “I think what we do at Naughty Dog is I think we have a radically different approach than most studios, and that is that we’re very character driven.

“What makes us unique is everything we do from gameplay to art to story is ultimately in service of a message; there’s something we’re trying to say.”

Druckmann went on to say: “with The Last of Us specifically…we don’t use the word ‘fun.’ We say ‘engaging,’ and it might seem like a minor distinction, but it’s an important one for us, which is, we believe that if we’re invested in the character and the relationships they’re in and their goal, then we’re gonna go along on their journey.”

TLOU games take place in a post-apocalyptic world that’s filled to the brim with zombie-like creatures that require stealth and skill to get around.

The story follows Joel as he tries to get teenager Ellie across America, believing she is immune to the infection that’s spread throughout the planet, and therefore likely to offer the antidote.

The first installment in the franchise took the world by storm when it released back in 2013, and it’s still today heralded as one of the greatest games ever created.

Naughty Dog definitely have a lot to live up to when it comes to the game’s sequel, which shows a grown-up Ellie traversing the dangerous world she’s become so accustomed to.

Debuting a snippet of the sequel’s gameplay at E3 this year, the reaction from fans was overwhelmingly positive, though the game has been criticised by some for the portrayal of a same-sex relationship between Ellie and one of the new characters.

Naughty Dog has been criticised for including a same-sex relationship simply to be recognised as progressive, rather than it having a real function in the plot.

Of course, the majority of the plot is still under-wraps at the moment, and we have seen a glimpse into Ellie’s personal life through the DLC released alongside the original game.

Entitled The Last of Us: Left Behind, the DLC follows a younger Ellie and her friend Riley.

Again, the DLC came under fire as people debated the meaning behind a kiss the two girls share, and whether it was something that needed to be included.

Whether or not Ellie’s relationship status is a key plot-point of the second game, or whether it’s just Naughty Dog bringing some inclusivity to its creations, people can’t wait for any more news on the release.

TLOU Part 2 is speculated to release in 2019/2020, though there’s yet to be any announcement on an official release date.