New Dreams Update Makes The Game Easier To Start Making Things

The 2.35 update is likely the last major update for Dreams in 2021, but it brings with it a major change. 

Firstly, one of the major headlines in this update is the release of a new Media Molecule game which was developed using the tools in Dreams. Ancient Dangers: A Bat’s Tale is a third-person dungeon crawler which tests players abilities with puzzles, combat encounters and boss encounters. 

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Dreams’ 2.35 update also introduced a new feature in Dreamshaping (the game’s creative suite) which makes the game easier for new players. There are now a number of templates in the game, which allow players to build games on top of pre-existing genres.

For example, if a player wishes to create a 2D platformer, there is now a template which reduces the creation time. This enables players to jump past the most difficult part, and straight into creating games.

Media Molecule has also simplified Dream’s UI in an effort to make it easier for new players. From today, players can access the overview page for each template. There are beginner, medium, and advanced difficult templates for players to play with.  

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Ancient Dangers: A Bat’s Tale joins one of many Media Molecule developed games within Dreams, including Art’s Dream. Launched alongside the game, Art’s Dream is a music-focused journey through the career of a Jazz musician.

You can learn more about the Dreams 2.35 update here

Elsewhere, a recent Sony patent points towards a possible PlayStation mobile controller. The long controller would clip around mobile phones, similar to other mobile controllers, but also feature the iconic DualShock design.

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Featured Image Credit: Media Molecule/Sony